As part of the City's commitment to transparency and accountability, review our financial and budget documents here.

FY 2025 Proposed Budget

This is the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2025 (July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025). This version is subject to change until it is adopted. Final consideration for the budget is scheduled for a public hearing on June 18, 2024. 

FY 2024 Adopted Budget

The Fiscal Year 2024 Budget is the plan for revenues and expenditures for the City of Casper from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

FY 2023 Audited Financial Report

The Fiscal Year 2023 Audited Financial Report is the City's audited financial statement for the period that ran from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.  These statements have been audited by an independent accounting firm.

Previous Years' Financial Documents

Please follow this link to see adopted budgets for the fiscal years prior to Fiscal Year 2024, and to see audited financial reports from periods prior to Fiscal Year 2022.

FY 2023-2027 Adopted Capital Improvement Plan

As a part of its annual budgeting process, the City of Casper updates its five year Capital Improvement Plan.  "Capital" includes major non-recurring expenses, which typically means equipment, vehicles, infrastructure repair, land purchases, and building renovation.   

Fiscal Year 2025 Monthly Financial Reports

City of Casper monthly financial reports.