The Casper Historic Preservation Commission meets on the second
Monday of each month, 8:30 am, at City Hall in the Council Meeting Room.


January 13

February 10 March 9 April 13
 May 11 June 8 July 13 August 10
 Cheese Barrel
544 S Center
 September 14
October 12 November 9 December 14

February 10 and April 13 meetings cancelled.

Annual Report

Agenda & Minutes

October Agenda  Minutes 

Cheese Barrell

Commission Members
Jeff Bond, Chair
Maureen Lee, Vice Chair
Connie Hall
Frank “Pinky” Ellis
Robin Broumley
Cynthia "Cyd" Grieve
Ann Berg
John Lang
Anthony Jacobsen
Paul Yurkiewicz
Carolyn Buff

Craig Collins, City Planner, City Staff Liaison
Kenneth Bates, Council Liaison

                                                                                Frequently Asked Questions

Tell me about the National Register?      National Register

What are the criteria for National Register?    Criteria

How to Complete a National Register Nomination?   Nomination

Get the NPS-Form-10-900-NRHP-Registration Form?   Form

Where do I find a list of Historic Consultants?   Consultants

Where may I find useful links?   Useful Links

The Casper City Council established the Casper Historic Preservation Commission in 1987 to:

  1. Effect and accomplish the protection, enhancement, and perpetuation of improvements and historic districts which represent or reflect elements of the City of Casper’s cultural, social, economic, political, engineering, and architectural history;
  2. Safeguard the City of Casper’s historic, architectural and cultural heritage as embodied and reflected in such historic structure, sites, and districts as may be identified:
  3. Stabilize and improve property values;
  4. Foster civic pride in the beauty and noble accomplishments of the past;
  5. Protect and enhance the City of Casper’s attractions to residents, tourists, and visitors, and serve as a supporter and stimulus to industry and business to strengthen the economy in the City of Casper; and,
  6. Promote the use of historic structures, sites, and districts for the education, pleasure, and welfare of the residents of the City of Casper.


The State Historic Preservation Office awards grants to Certified Local Governments (CLG’s). A CLG is a city or county that is certified by the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Park Service as a community with historic preservation commitments. CLGs are eligible for matching grants to carry out preservation activities. The Casper Historic Preservation Commission is the CLG for the City of Casper.


Each year the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) holds a conference or workshop to assist, educate and train preservation commission members and city staffs throughout the state in preservation issues of concern to their community and the state. The SHPO also holds webinars throughout the year for training purposes. The conference and webinars allow members of the Casper Historic Preservation Commission and city staff to interact with other communities and gain knowledge to help them with issues at home. Commission members commonly work with the City of Casper, the Downtown Development Authority, the press and private property owners on issues related to rehabilitation of buildings, renovations, Casper's history, cell tower locations, and Federal Section 106 requirements. Commission members work hard to provide accurate information and continually educate themselves on issues important to Casper's residents and visitors.

CHP Logo
Contact Information

Planning Office 

Casper City Hall

200 N David, Rm 205, Casper, WY 82601

Tel: (307) 235-8241

Fax: (307) 235-8362

8AM to 5PM

Monday - Friday, except Holidays


Craig Collins, AICP
City Planner



Dee Hardy
Administrative Support Tech



Quick Links

Strategic Plan

The Planning Process

Planning and Zoning FAQs