Electronic items may be recycled by residents free of charge. The
solid waste facility accepts electronics for recycling 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. This includes: digital cameras, gaming systems, gps units, computers, batteries etc. You See our
E-Waste List for a complete list of items accepted for Electronic Waste Recycling. Businesses wishing to recycle their electronics will need to make a Friday appointment and pay a per pound fee, for the current rate call the solid waste office at
(307) 235-8246.
Why recycle electronics?

Electronics can contain lead, chromium, cadmium, mercury, beryllium, nickel, zinc, and brominated flame retardants. When electronics are not disposed of or recycled properly, these toxic materials can present problems. Extending the life of your electronics or donating your most up-to-date and working electronics can save you money and saves valuable resources.
You may click here
E-Waste Fact Sheet for a recent Electronic Waste Fact Sheet and some frequently asked questions.
Television sets (TVs) and computer monitors are no longer being recycled. Recycling TVs and monitors has become cost prohibitive and they are now being disposed of in the landfill. All city and county residents may continue to bring TVs and monitors to the Casper Solid Waste Facility for free disposal. If a TV or monitor is small, less than a 13 inch screen, the TV or monitor may be placed in a trash container as long as the TV or monitor does not overfill the trash container.
City of Casper residents may place them out for collection on their extra trash day unless the item exceeds the weight requirement of 50 pounds. If the TV or monitor weighs more than 50 pounds, you need to bring it to the Casper Solid Waste Facility for free disposal. You may click here
Extra Collection to find your extra trash day or call
307-235-8246 and one of our customer service representatives will be happy to help you.
Reuse, the best answer
Donating used (but still operating) electronics for reuse extends the lives of valuable products and keeps them out of the waste stream for a longer period of time. Reuse, in addition to being an environmentally preferable alternative, also benefits society. By donating your used electronics, you allow schools, nonprofit organizations, and families to obtain equipment that they otherwise might not be able to afford. Before donating used computers and other electronics, make sure that they work and that they meet the needs or requirements of the organization to which you are donating them. If they are too old or are not working, the next best option is recycling.
Other recycling options
Want to save some green? Consider utilizing a trade-in program offered by a manufacturer or retailer. Some retailers will give you store credit for old electronics. Manufacturers and retailers often have recycling programs as well. Some programs are offered online and some in store. To find out more visit