Boats, campers, and other recreational vehicles can be a fun way to experience Wyoming and all that the Casper area has to offer. However, storage of these vehicles can be an issue. Using the street to store such vehicles can create traffic hazards on narrow streets, sight distance and parking issues, and problems with drifting snow in the winter, making it difficult for snowplows to effectively plow city streets.
A recreational vehicle is defined as a boat or trailer of any type, that is over 20 feet long, measured from the tongue, or over 4 1/2 feet high, including any load thereon. Recreational vehicles and trailers include, but are not limited to the following:
- Boat and/or boat trailer
- Utility trailer
- Horse trailer
- Motor home
- Recreation vehicle
- Trailer van
- Camper
- Snow mobile trailer
- Enclosed trailer
The following guidelines apply to parking any recreational vehicle (as defined therein) or trailer on a city street:
- Recreational vehicles and trailers are permitted to park on any street for 5 days in any 30-day period except within the 30’ sight distance triangle as set forth.
- An annual permit is needed to park any recreational vehicle or trailer on any city street for more than 5 days. Permits will not be granted for parking on arterial or collector streets or within the 30’ sight distance triangle of a corner lot. Contact Code Enforcement for more information.
- Campers, motor homes, and other recreational vehicles, whether parked on private property or on a public street may only be used as a dwelling for 5 days.
Contact City Clerk at 235-7568 regarding information on Recreational Vehicle Parking Permit Applications and fees. You may also contact Code Enforcement at 235-8254 or refer to Section 10.36.020 of the Casper Municipal Code.
RV Parking Flyer
City ordinance prohibits parking RV's on the street for more than 5 days in any 30-day period.
RV's left on the street in the winter cause problems with drifting snow.
RV's cannot be parked on any arterial, collector or snow route street or within the 30' sight distance triangle of a corner lot.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why can't I park my trailer on the street?
Municipal Code, Section 10.36 specifically prohibits parking trailers on the street for more than 5 days in any 30-day period without a permit from the City of Casper, Finance Department. Restrictions apply to corner lots of intersecting streets, as well as parking on designated snow routes. Contact Code Enforcement at 235-8254 for more information. Due to hazards created by drifting and blowing snow during the winter months, it is recommended that all trailers be removed from city streets.
I am going to be cleaning out my boat/camper; can I park it in the street?
You may park it in the street provided that is is not parked in the sight distance triangle and it is parked for only 5 days.
What do I have to do to get a permit?
Contact City Clerks Office at 235-7568 regarding information on Recreational Vehicle Parking Permit Applications and fees, or you may contact Code Enforcement at 235-8254.